Lucía Fraga Lago

Graduated in Sciences of the Sea; since 2002, Lucía coordinates the Training department of the Technology Centre of the Sea, CETMAR, developing projects to improve the quality of life of the maritime sectors through training, promoting the blue skills, and ocean literacy.

She has been responsible for the management of the Aixola Training Centre since 2004, with the mission to provide learning opportunities and improving the professional skills of maritime-fishing workers, being its main quality the adaptation and anticipation to market needs. From 2018 to 2022 she coordinated the MATES Blueprint project, to create a skilling strategy for the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors. Since 2011 Lucia has been Expert for the European Commission on the ESCO board, on the reference group “Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries'. She participated in the “expert group on skills and careers development in the blue economy” launched by the DG MARE in 2017, and at present contributes to the EU4Ocean platform, the Coalition for Ocean Literacy funded by the European Commission. Since 2021, she acts as secretariat of the Pact for Skills in the Offshore Renewable Energy sector.


CETMAR is a public foundation aimed at promoting the competitiveness of marine sectors by acting as an interface organization between research, education and training organisations, administrations and industry. Its scope extends at national, European and international level. Since the start of its activity in 2001 CETMAR has collaborated with more than 800 organisations from 56 countries. As an instrumental body of the Galicia Regional Ministry of the Sea (Regional Ministry for the Sea) which is also part of its board of trustees, CETMAR carries out a wide range of projects and services for this regional administration.

Presentation overview

Lucía will present her perspective on the present blue skills panorama, identifying some of the existing trends and the most relevant challenges to filling the existing gaps. The session will present how skills intelligence results are gaining relevance in the Skills Agenda for Europe, and consequently in many policies and funding programs, considering also the impact of the the industrial ecosystems approach provided by the EU Industrial strategy. She will showcase some of the lessons learnt during the skills strategy building process undertaken with the MATES Blueprint project, and how many of them can be transposed from the maritime technologies to other sectors of the blue economy.