During the three-day event at Ghent several workshops are planned to provide training opportunities for anyone involved in ocean education and training. The workshop schedule will be shared with registered attendees once it is finalised. From there attendees will be invited to register for the workshop of their choice. Each workshop will have a limited capacity. Workshops are currently planned on the following topics:

This workshop, instead of focusing on one specific technology or object type, introduces participants to multiple free technologies with the potential to create different Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) types.

The workshop showcases RLOs examples and breaks them down into quick how-to demos. The participants are then sorted according to their own preferences into groups that will collaborate to create an RLO using one of the featured technologies.

The workshop will take 120mins and the participants should bring their own devices.



Seán Daffy

Instructional Designer | Learning Technologist at Atlantic Technological University, Ireland

With a background in Archaeology (PhD 2013), Seán taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Landscape Archaeology and gained a special interest in the use of educational technology in field-based sciences.  Pursuing this interest, Seán specialized in Technical Communication and E-Learning (MA 2017) and works on multidisciplinary projects with a focus on environmental education and sustainability.

This workshop is a fun, fast paced hands-on introduction to Design Thinking. It promises not to drown you in theory rather give you a simple but practical taster of its application. Working in teams you will learn how to frame ambiguous problems, empathise with real people and embrace the world of wild ideas. As a social technology why not use it in the classroom, in the office or the great outdoors – together let’s use Design Thinking to challenge the way we engage with problem solving!


Orla Skehill

Learning Technologist at Atlantic Technological University, Ireland

Sharing the secrets of our student engagement methods in the GlobalBuild Bootcamp.

Inspirational talk / Best Practices (45min)

Ben has been running an online Sustainability and Inclusion bootcamp for the past 2 years together with HDM Stuttgart, HVA Amsterdam, and TMU Canada. In this session he will reveal all the best practices that make online teaching super fun and energising for the students. Ben will uncover the secrets of LEGO Serious Play, Google JamBoard, the power of music and last but not least… eyeball yoga…

The website of the current bootcamp is next-level.amsterdam

Ben also runs 2 other Blended Intensive Programs (Erasmus BIP): UX Bootcamp  UXbootcamp.net
Digital Mindfulness Bootcamp

Inspirational workshop (45min): Your first steps into LEGO Serious Play for innovation and sustainability.

How to kick start ideas and nourish storytelling in meetings, classes, labs and workshops.

LEGO Serious Play initiation workshop that reveals the power of using LEGO Education and Serious Play in your class or staff meetings.
If you want to unleash creativity and innovation within your own teaching or your staff team, then this workshop is something for you.
Ben will even send you home with a small gift.


Ben De Vleeschauwer
Lecturer Web & UX - Anchor Internationalisation
Multimedia & Creative Technologies
KDG University of Applied Sciences and Arts (www.kdg.be/en)

Ben De Vleeschauwer has been working for 10 years as a creative in online and new media. 12 years ago het traded in his Art Director job for full time teaching.
Classes he teaches are creativity, usability, user experience, graphic design, typography, design thinking, sustainability & inclusion, digital mindfulness.
He has been an inspirational speaker for AirBnb, Future of web design, IdeaLabs, FabLab, major banks and incubators.

The current movement of science towards Open Science and Open Data is an important step to increase the quality, efficiency and impact of science which in turn can lead to increased trust in science and improved decision-making. In an ideal world, every research output, including research data, at any stage of the research process, should be made freely and publicly available to the world (FOSTER Open Science Definition). Therefore, it is important that researchers and data managers learn how to enable the reuse, redistribution and reproduction of their research and its underlying data and methods.    

Although the moral reasoning for Open Science is very clear, it requires time and effort from both researchers and data managers to put it into practice. Furthermore, the use of new technologies and tools calls for extra training and information being provided. Good data management practices need to be standardized for implementation on a community-wide level.   

This workshop will provide a comprehensive hands-on introduction to the proper management of marine data, including good data management practices during all phases of the research data cycle. It will also include a practical understanding of what 'FAIR data' means for a researcher and which steps can be taken to achieve that. Furthermore, some in-house data systems and other VLIZ services will be discussed related to data management. We will end the workshop with some brainstorming exercises and a new data management board game! 

This workshop is developed by VLIZ data stewards (personal information below) and is made for other marine data managers, students, researchers... working in institutions responsible for the collection and good management of marine data in all fields.  



Marie Robberecht - Data steward VLIZ  
In 2018 I started working as a researcher in the Marine Observation Centre (MOC) of VLIZ. After a year in the MOC, I moved to my current position, data steward, in the Data Centre of VLIZ. I mainly work around the topics of FAIR and Open data. I support researchers with their data management which gives me the opportunity to interact with them and to be involved in all the different marine research topics. I am also responsible for data management and some GIS work for other projects at VLIZ. Before VLIZ I worked as a scientist in the technical fishery department of ILVO. I finished the EMBC+ masters in 2017 and got my teaching degree in 2019.  

Charlotte Dhondt - Data steward VLIZ 
In early 2020 I started working as a science officer in the Flanders Marine Data Centre at VLIZ. Together with my colleagues, I provide data management support and services to both internal and external scientists. I assist in several steps of the data cycle, such as composing a Data Management Plan, archiving data and making it publicly accessible with a persistent identifier. We are also responsible for the data management of several VLIZ projects and for maintaining the VLIZ data systems which make marine and coastal information and data available for researchers, the government, industry and citizens. I graduated as a Master of Science in Biology in 2019. During my education, I did an internship at RBINS where I examined the fouling community on windmill foundations in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. 

Participants are encouraged to bring their notebook computer or tablet to the workshop, and to review in advance the SDG Toolkit Webpage, especially the curriculum mapping tool for an individual module.

Your curriculum can be mapped to specific SDGs and SDG Targets using interactive mapping tools. In this workshop, you will learn of innate connections with the SDGs which you can surface and signpost so that your students recognize connections between their learning and larger societal issues. The tool presented is also designed as a reflexive guide for further integration of SDGs into your curriculum e.g. assessments, learning outcomes and action-oriented pedagogies. 


Dr. John Barimo

Research Support Officer in Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning and works in partnership with the UCC Green Campus Programme.  

He is creating and curating an array of resources to assist teaching staff with the integration the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their curriculum which is in direct support of the UCC Academic Strategy 2018-2022.  This project known as the SDG Toolkit provides web-based resources and professional development workshops and is actively building a Community of Interest. 

John holds a Ph.D. from the University of Miami in Marine Biology & Fisheries and M.Sc. from Virginia Commonwealth University in Biology.  His professional career spans academics, governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector.  He has also gained considerable experience working to provide educational opportunities within under served communities and is an advocate of multicultural dialogue.